Sunday, February 4, 2007

Employee Do’s and Don’ts

We started putting the word out that we were looking for help, and one of our clients introduced us to one of her baristas. It didn’t seem like the best match, but we decided to try her out, despite the fact that she didn’t have much experience in the kitchen; she did have a willingness to learn, and seemed very helpful. It was so difficult to train somebody, and I just ended up being friendly, which didn’t necessarily work as a business advantage, as she eventually got so interested in chatting that her work speed suffered a bit. Eventually, I realized I needed a little more qualified help, so I decided to call upon my former boss at the catering company and see if she was interested in helping me out. Turns out my timing was great as she wanted to change jobs anyway, so I hired her and we began working swiftly to expand the product line.

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