Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sometimes, you screw up real bad

Had trouble sleeping last night's been a rough couple of weeks after our payroll taxes were much higher than predicted, and we found out from the IRS that we now have to pay monthly instead of we have to come up with a lot of money fast. I had to cut everybody's hours and start a huge project in figuring out big holes in our expenses. My tiny paycheck is gone so we are struggling even more with how to buy food. After a difficult first week with less staff, it's going to be a rough road ahead.

So on Saturday there was a large party platter order that was correctly filled out, in the right place, I had been told about, etc. For some reason, even though it was right in front of me, I completely did not make the mini desserts. The customer arrived at 2pm. I was so embarrased. I tried to help him by offering delivery, quickly trying to figure out what I could whip up very fast. Before I could come up with a solution, he walked out. I was so disappointed in myself. There's nothing I can do...I can't even give him a cookie.

It's like I have to hit rock bottom or something. Stuff like this can't happen when we are trying to increase our sales. We can't disappoint our customers with bad service and bad products. I know I'm human, but I feel as a leader, I have be held to a much higher standard.

Next week is a new week. I think I will try to be more simple about how I approach the bakery, and hopefully prevent mistakes like the one on Saturday from happening again.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know. Chin up! Your neighbors will be swinging by for coffee and treats more often to show our support!

Debra said...

Everyone has bad days!!! Chin up, pull back shoulders and take a deep breath....

I hope you have better days ahead!!

Unknown said...

We are all human. When a door closes a window opens...I visited your wonderful shop on vacation with my family and am thrilled to see you mentioned in the September issue of Bon Appetit Magazine! Page 135 to be exact - Kudos to you! I wish you had a FL outpost...