Friday, September 28, 2007

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

Today I walked down to the Department of Health and walked my APPROVED plans back to the Department of Planning and Development. Turns out walking your plans from place to place really speeds things along. Another thing that works with the city is not to talk too much, and if you do talk, definitely throw some names, saying things like "John Doe wanted me to do it this way". And you have to say it with conviction like if you don't do it John Doe's way, you're going to get in trouble, not the other way where you sound all defensive.

Anyway, my brother came up last weekend and we started building cabinets and getting the space all prepped for paint. Luckily, those are two things you CAN do without a permit, so we jumped at the chance. However, our string of lights is probably not up to code. Shhh! He has been doing a phenomenal job, and the space is looking really really great. He's back with a friend this weekend and they're going to finish the work. Monday, plumbing resumes. Finally, I will have a bathroom again!


Anonymous said...

I live in Seattle and cannot wait to see your shop. I just love-love-love baked goods!

Unknown said...

a long time ago, i went to one of your sweetfests (the last one, actually, i believe). i am very stoked you are building a shop, and i am also interested in maybe working for you (6 years of barista experience!).

yes, i know, send a resume :) i will work on that soon!

-elly r-ice