Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Anything is Possible

If somebody can try to sell a used cup of Starbuck's coffee at Value Village, anything is possible. It's officially 2008 and I am putting the past year of struggles behind me, setting my sights on shaping a fabulous bakery and pastry shop now that we're open. (Notice that I didn't say "finally" open, which would have implied that I was still bitter about the tremendous sweat and tears extolled over trying to get the bakery open.)

Last week, my husband and I met with a local newspaper writer while I did the morning baking. We talked about a lot of stuff, mostly about my husband's cancer, and how that made it so difficult for us to handle the struggles of trying to get permits to build out the bakery. We seemed to dwell on that topic quite a bit, so much so that we neglected to talk about the pastries themselves. I noticed the writer on several occasions staring at the pastry case; she seemed to be searching for the story of the pastries inside. I asked the writer if she had her "hook" to write the story. When she answered a tentative "maybe", I knew right then that with all the struggles of the past year, I had lost who I was as a pastry chef. I had worn so many other hats, the electrician, lighting designer, ditch digger, etc. So I suppose this is a perfect time to reinvent myself as a pastry chef, to find that funny little voice inside that has all the great creative ideas, and what perfect time than New Year's day.


Anonymous said...

Stephanie, I thought the article turned out great. I am planning to visit your shop next with a co-worker. We might be sending some business your way. Looking forward to my visit.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the bakery. YUM. Is it true that you all are selling King Cakes?

Anonymous said...

I just came across your blog- I can really identify with this post. I am trying to get my bakery cafe off the ground and am beginning to feel slightly opressed by the regulations, paperwork, research and other drudgery- it is really taking the focus off my passion for baking.

I am going to go back to the beginning and read about your journey and struggles. I need some hope here! Thanks for putting this out there.