Tuesday, November 20, 2007

One in, one out

One in, one out. That's what we say when we're letting the dog out, and the cat comes in.

I am sorry to hear Sugar Nighclub is closing, although I must say I will miss those late night calls I get on my voicemail monday morning of drunk kids calling me on their cell phones in their car trying to figure out where the club is. Those calls gives me a good chuckle, allowing me to remember those wilder days of my youth. Mind you, I'm not one of those jealous of youth over 40 babes who sits around on the porch telling stories to the youngins about brighter days. No, kids, I'm still in the game.

And when we open, we'll be the new kid on the block, the young fresh bakery filled with dreams and aspirations of being the sweetest place in Seattle. And folks, I promise, we will deliver.

Photo courtesy of Jonah Spangenthal-Lee

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